
The Library Rules

  • The library remains open from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. The transaction of books are carried out by a custom software tailored for the present rule.
  • Students can issue 3 books.
  • The returning period of book is 15 days from the date of issue.
  • Booking a book in advance is possible.
  • Reissue is possible only if nobody is in the booking line or if excess book is present in the library of that title.

Returning a book after due date will incurr a fine of Rs.0.50 per day in the first week, Rs.1.00 per day for the second week, Rs.1.50 for the third week and so on

No. of Books and Titles

  • No. of Titles: 1606
  • No. of volumes: 8748

List of National Journals / Periodicals

  1. The Pharma Review
  2. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
  3. Indian Journal of Chemistry: Sec B
  4. The Journal of the Oil Technologists’ Association of India
  5. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Abstracts
  6. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  7. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
  8. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
  9. Natural Product Radiance
  10. Express Pharma
  11. Pharma Pulse
  12. CIMS
  13. Current Research & Information on Pharmaceutical Sciences
  14. Environment Science and Engineering
  15. Indian Journal of Pharmacology
  16. Indian Drug
  17. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
  18. Pharma Times

 List of Printed International Journals

  1. Asian Journal of Chemistry
  2. International Journal of Green Pharmacy
  3. Die Pharmazie
  4. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Tech
  5. Inventi Rapid: NDDS
  6. Inventi Rapid: Ethnopharmacology
  7. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Biotech & Microbio
  8. Inventi Rapid: Biomedical Analysis
  9. Inventi Rapid: Animal Models & Cell Assays
  10. Inventi Impact: Pharm Tech
  11. Inventi Impact: NDDS
  12. Inventi Impact: Ethnopharmacology
  13. Inventi Impact: Pharm Biotech & Microbio
  14. Inventi Impact: Biomedical Analysis
  15. Inventi Impact: Animal Models & Cell Assays

Online Journal Subscription

388 online pharmaceutical journals subscribed from


Ten multimedia computers with CD-ROM and sound facility are installed in the Library for e-library purpose. LAN and internet facilities are provided for SWAYAM, NPTEL and other online resources. CD-ROM titles with various books, journals, lecturers of eminent scientists, projects reports on various topics and pharmacology practical softwares forms the CD-Library.