Evaluation of Theory Papers
- Three CA (continuous assessment) tests (CA1, CA2, CA3) are taken by the subject teachers in every month. Each test carries 25 Marks. University adds up 05 marks.
- CA4 test is taken directly by the university through online system.
- Minimum 80% attendance is required to appear in the end-semester examination.
- End semester examination is conducted as per the schedule of MAKAUT. Marks 70.
Evaluation of Practical Papers
- Minimum ten practicals will be conducted. Daily evaluation system. Two internal practical examinations PCA1 and CA2 will be conducted. Marks 40.
- Minimum 80% attendance.
- End semester practical examination is conducted as per the schedule of MAKAUT. Marks 60.
Evaluation of Industrial Training (Semester 5)
- After completion of the industrial training a training report should be submitted.
- The student has to appear in a seminar. The students are evaluated by faculty members with a set of questionnaire.
Evaluation of Community Practice (Semester 7)
- Students have to undergo an online training in either a hospital or a medicine shop.
- After completion of the Community Practice training a report should be submitted.
- A student has to appear in a seminar. The students are evaluated by faculty members with a set of questionnaire.